The United Nation Agenda 21 is the United Nations initiative to control all commerce. Under the guise of promoting sustainable development and combating environmental dangers, Mystery Babylon will force Communism on the world. The brand of Communism that will be enforced is of a slight variant to Stalinism. It is called syndicalism. Syndicalism economies are, like Stalinism, planned economies. The policy-making architecture, however, is different. In Stalinism, both policy-making and implementation were done in a centralized fashion. While syndicalist economies still do the planning centrally, they allow for local adaptation in implementing the plan, allowing for the planned economy to respond quickly to changes in the market.
This chapter will analyze Agenda 21 based on the United Nations document112. I will focus on selected passages to show that Agenda 21 involves central planning of all commerce by elites, with all elites connected to the United Nations elite. While this chapter is about economic, the United Nations is not interested only in economics. The term “inter-sectoral plan” appears often in the Agenda 21 document. The United Nations has plans to meddle in your economic, social, and spiritual life – and it is the agenda of Mystery Babylon.
Re-organizing the control of land
Chapter 10.2 is saying that the objective of Agenda 21 is to re-organize the “reorganization and, where necessary, some strengthening of the decision-making structure,”113 in managing land resources. The current decision-making structure is that, while land use is subject to some degree of regulation, it is fundamentally managed by private parties. Land tenure is the term use to describe the rules that control how land is possessed. Agenda 21 identifies land tenure as a cause of land degradation and wants to change the rules.114
Changing the rules governing how land is possessed necessarily involves redistribution of land, which will have winners and losers. Agenda 21 acknowledges this, calling them trade-offs. Trade-off imply that the gaining of benefits, in this case so-called “sustainable development” requires a cost. As we shall soon see, that cost is property rights. Agenda 21 seeks to re-allocate land and its uses
“Land resources are used for a variety of purposes which interact and may compete with one another; therefore, it is desirable to plan and manage all uses in an integrated manner. Integration should take place at two levels, considering, on the one hand, all environmental, social and economic factors (including, for example, impacts of the various economic and social sectors on the environment and natural resources) and, on the other, all environmental and resource components together (i.e., air, water, biota, land, geological and natural resources). Integrated consideration facilitates appropriate choices and trade-offs, thus maximizing sustainable productivity and use. Opportunities to allocate land to different uses arise in the course of major settlement or development projects or in a sequential fashion as lands become available on the market. This in turn provides opportunities to support traditional patterns of sustainable land management or to assign protected status for conservation of biological diversity or critical ecological services.”115
Agenda 21 seek to “facilitate allocation of land.”116. According to chapter 10.5, there are two purposes for this re-allocation. The first is to “provide the greatest sustainable benefits” and the second is to “promote the transition to a sustainable and integrated management of land resources.”117 Agenda 21 seeks not only an optimal benefit from land use but to change fundamentally how land is managed.
Seeking the optimal use of land is only possible if a centralized authority or network of authorities exists that is empowered to deny other uses. This necessitates a shift in organizational management of lands from individuals and other private parties to a regime where governments and professional elites are the key players. This is a profound leap away from fourth amendment understanding of private property rights as inalienable rights that limit the reach of government, placing on it the burden of justifying seizure of land. 10.5 says that “private property rights, the rights of indigenous people and their communities and other local communities and the economic role of women in agriculture and rural development, among other issues, should be taken into account” 118 by governments in formulating policy. Property rights under Agenda 21 are mere guidelines – privileges rather than secure legal restriction on the arbitrary exercise of state power.
Government Key Player in Agenda 21.
Government plays the central role in Agenda 21. Sections 10.6,10.7 and other places read “Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of regional and international organizations, should…”119,120 Agenda 21 is about state management of land and private property. Agenda 21 calls on governments to compile “Compile detailed land capability inventories to guide sustainable land resources allocation, management and use at the national and local levels.”121
Agenda 21 enforced through propaganda of all leaders
Agenda 21 calls on a layered, syndicalist method of control, where governments “Establish a general framework for land-use and physical planning within which specialized and more detailed sectoral plans (e.g., for protected areas, agriculture, forests, human settlements, rural development) can be developed; establish intersectoral consultative bodies to streamline project planning and implementation;”122 Government are to establish general parameters of the plan, while delegating details to specialized groups.
The key to this approach is to syndicate the mission of Agenda 21 to other organizations. Doing this requires that people be trained and indoctrinated into the Agenda 21 mindset. Agenda 21 instructs governments to “launch awareness-raising campaigns to alert and educate people on the importance of integrated land and land resources management and the role that individuals and social groups can play in it.”123 Agenda 21 provides for governments to “promote the development of the human resources that are required to plan and manage land and land resources sustainably.” 124 Through embedding Agenda 21 into the curricula of universities and by training “all relevant sectors concerned to deal with land resources in an integrated and sustainable manner.” 125 In other words, People at all levels and arena of influence are indoctrinated in Agenda 21.
Agenda 21 is a shift towards elitist, and specifically government controls over all economic life. My analysis was primarily focused on chapter 10, which is control of land,. Because the management of land and its resources is basic to all other economic activity, a shift in how land is managed reverberates throughout the entire economy. The adoption of Agenda 21 means an end of free enterprise. It also means that there is an increased focus on government as the key economic provider. This dovetails with the religious cosmology of Mystery Babylon. Agenda 21 is not the only agenda that the United Nations is promoting in its effort to establish the reign of Mystery Babylon. The next chapter will discuss the religious agenda of the United Nations.
112 “Agenda 21”, United Nations Environment Program, 2003,
Retrieved on Jan 20, 2012 from
113 “Agenda 21”, United Nations Environment Program, chapter 10, section 2, 2003,
Retrieved on Jan 20, 2012 from
114 “Agenda 21”, United Nations Environment Program,
Chapter 14, section 46a, 2003,
Retrieved on Jan 20, 2012 from
115 “Agenda 21”, United Nations Environment Program,
Chapter 10, section 3, 2003,
Retrieved on Jan 20, 2012 from
116 “Agenda 21”, United Nations Environment Program,
Chapter 10, section 5, 2003,
Retrieved on Jan 20, 2012 from
117 ibid
118 ibid
119 “Agenda 21”, United Nations Environment Program,
Chapter 10, sections 6-7, 2003,
Retrieved on Jan 20, 2012 from
120 ibid
121 “Agenda 21”, United Nations Environment Program,
Chapter 10, section 7F, 2003,
Retrieved on Jan 20, 2012 from
122 “Agenda 21”, United Nations Environment Program,
Chapter 10, section 7C, 2003,
Retrieved on Jan 20, 2012 from
123 “Agenda 21”, United Nations Environment Program,
Chapter 10, section 9, 2003,
Retrieved on Jan 20, 2012 from
124 “Agenda 21”, United Nations Environment Program,
Chapter 10, section 16, 2003,
Retrieved on Jan 20, 2012 from
125 ibid, section 16b
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