Babylonian Religion Universal throughout Near East
The native religion of Babel was indigenous to the first three empires: The Old Babylonian, Assyrian, and Neo-Babylonian. The condition of being adjacent neighborhoods resulted in these areas having the same the same world-view, the same religious stories, and the same gods. The chief difference is name changes due to language differences.
There also appears to be contact with the Hittite Empire from the beginning. The Cappadocian Tablets12, for example, dates from about 3000 BC and contains Assyrian, Babylonian and Hittite names. This early affinity can be explained by the fact that the human race re-started after the Great Flood in Eastern Turkey in the mountains of Ararat. The Genesis account tells us that the human race moved east towards Shinar (Sumer). In Turkey, in the areas that became the Hittite empire, the first settlements were created. One of the oldest known settlements in the world, called Catal Hayuk13 has a temple dedicated to mother goddess worship14. As the human race grew, the overflow migrated east towards Babylon where the tower of Babel was constructed.
There are several results of this connection between the Hittites and the Babylonians, One that they both had the religion of Mystery Babylon from the beginning. While the Hittites had only a brief appearance in history, they were instrumental in spreading the religious cosmology of Mystery Babylon to Greece.
“One of their enduring impacts on history is their influence on the Greeks of Ionia through Phrygians and Lydians [ex. Hittite goddess Kubaba became great Phrygian goddess Cybele ("Great Mother") the worship of whom spread to Rome]. "The Hittites borrowed several features of Mesopotamian civilization, including cuneiform, legal principles, and literary and art forms (Perry 5th, 23). They would form a cultural bridge between Mesopotamia and the Greeks: ‘They also played an important role in transmitting the ancient cultures of Mesopotamia and Egypt to the Greeks, who lived on their frontiers’ (Kagan, 22). "Although the Hittite empire did not survive the transition from the Bronze to the Iron Age, it served as a vital cultural transmitter to the west. The Hittites passed on compelling legends and seem to have had a marked impact on both Greek myth and Roman views of the universe. Whether through encounters in western Anatolia or indirectly via the Phoenicians, the Greeks acquired key elements of their mythology from Hittite sources.”15
The Infiltration of Egypt by Mystery Babylon
At the dawn of civilization in Egypt, the Nile river valley was a melting pot of various peoples who were attracted to the abundance of the Nile valley. There were several waves of immigration from Babylonian sources that shaped Egyptian civilization. Historian Donald McKenzie describes this
“The land was a veritable hive of industry. Food was plentiful, for the harvests yielded corn, and huntsmen found wild animals more numerous as beasts of prey were driven from their lairs and lessened in number. Great galleys were built to trade in the Mediterranean, and each was propelled by sixty oarsmen. The ships of other peoples also visited the ports of Egypt, probably from Crete and the Syrian coast, and caravans crossed the frontier going eastward and north, while alien traders entered the land and abode in it. Battle conflicts with men of various races were also depicted on the pottery, for there was much warfare from time to time.
“Growing communities with Babylonian beliefs effected settlements in the north. These were the sun worshippers whose religion ultimately gained ascendancy all over Egypt. From primitive Pithom (house of Tum) they may have passed to On (Heliopolis), which became sacred to Ra-Tum and was the capital of a province and probably, for a period, of the kingdom of Lower Egypt.
“A masterful people also appeared in Upper Egypt. They came from or through Arabia, and had absorbed a culture from a remote civilization, which cannot be located, in common with the early Babylonians. Crossing the lower end of the Red Sea, they entered the verdurous valley of the Nile over a direct desert route, or through the highlands of Abyssinia. They were armed with weapons of copper, and effected their earliest settlement, it would appear, at Edfu. Then by gradual conquest they welded together the various tribes, extending their sway over an ever-increasing area. New and improved methods of agriculture were introduced. Canals were constructed for purposes of irrigation. The people increased in number and prosperity, and law and order was firmly established in the land.
“These invaders were sun worshippers of the Horus-hawk cult, but they also embraced the religious beliefs of the people with whom they mingled, including the worship of the corn god Osiris.”16
From Assyria/Babylon to Persia and Greece
When the Persia Empire conquered Babylon, there was still cultural continuity. The Babylonian community, and its religious system, flourished during Persian occupation.
Hellenization – gateway from Babylon to Greece
Alexander the Great led Greece to conquer much territory, including the area formerly occupied by the Babylonian Empire. Alexander the great fell in love with Babylon and planned to move the capital of his empire there. Alexander wanted to propagate Mystery Babylon with a Greek flavor, seeking to integrate Greeks and non-Greeks together in a unified empire. To do this, he would accommodate existing Persian institutions. For example, he instituted a satrapy system of administrative oversight similar to the system the Persians used. On many occasions, he would recruit Persians to administer the satrapies; in the case of Artabazus17, a Persian satrap was reappointed by Alexander to high office in his empire.
Whereas the Persians were tolerant to Babylonian culture and religion, the Greeks pursued Babylonian religion with vigor. This included plans that involved relocating his residence, and therefore the capital of his empire, and rebuilding the Tower of Babel to resurrect the original Mystery Babylon system. Alexander “…intended to make the city his residence, and he ordered several building projects, like a large river port, a theater, and a reconstruction of the Etemenanki.”18, 19 Not only did Alexander frequent Babylon, but many kings from successor empires, including every king from the Seleucid Empire, spent time in Babylon. Alexander sought to rebuild Mystery Babylon as a global system, putting on it a Greek spin. His strategy was to synchronize Greek religion first with Mystery Babylon and also with every nation he conquered, distilling out of this process a global, pagan religion. The Alexander’s conquest of Babylon was a big game-changer in the history of religion
“But after the conquests of Alexander a great change took place. The ancient ideal of the Greek republic gave way to the conception of universal monarchy. Thenceforth municipal cults disappeared before an international religion.” 20
This initiative by Alexander was continued by his successors. When Alexander died in Babylon in 332 BC, his empire was split amongst his generals. Four major empires emerged from Alexander’s old empire. Two of these empires figure to be important in the spread of Mystery Babylon. One of these was the Seleucid Empire and the other the Ptolemaic Empire. The Seleucid Empire that controlled the area most closely corresponding to the Babylonian empire and the Ptolemaic Empire corresponding roughly to Egypt.
Conventional histories record what was called Hellenization, which was the spread of Greek language and culture to areas conquered by Greece. What is often ignored in these histories, however, is that cultural exchange is often two-way street. The Greeks continued Alexander’s program to commence syncretism between Greek religions and native religions of the lands they occupied.
The advent of the Seleucid Empire allowed Babylon to influence Greek Culture. The Seleucid Empire was a hotbed of religious syncretism and religious philosophy. In this environment, the religious and cultural continuity of Mystery Babylon as manifested through the Assyrian, Babylonian and Persian empires continues through the Seleucid Empire. The Seleucid Empire is “like the empire of Alexander, the continuation of the empires before: the Assyrian, Babylonian, and the Achaemenid Empire. This continuity is not in doubt, but scholars disagree about the question whether the Seleucids deliberately presented themselves as successors of the Achaemenids and intended to use the old structures.”21
The Ptolemaic Empire was also a hot bed of religious syncretism that began with the cult of Serapis which was founded by Ptolemy 1 which allowed Babylonian cosmology via Egyptian religion to infiltrate Greek culture22.
Not only did these two empires merge Greek religion with Babylonian religion and cosmology but influenced each other through the extensive cultural intercourse, including the marriage of Berenice 4 (a Ptolemy) with a Seleucid23. These streams of syncretism influenced several streams of religious thought which are influential in today’s New World Order: Kabala, Neo-Platonism, Gnosticism, and Hermeticism. Of these Hermeticism is of particular importance because of its involvement in the modern New World Order.
The Rise of Hermeticism
Hermeticism developed in the environment of religious syncretism that began with the cult of Serapis founded by Ptolemy 1. One particular form of this syncretism was the merger of the Greek god Hermes with the Egyptian god Thoth. Out of this particular cult Hermeticism arose. Hermeticism was allegedly founded by Hermes Trismegistus,” The alleged teacher the magical system known as Hermetism of which high magic and alchemy are thought to be twin branches. The name Trismegistus means thrice greatest Hermes, and is the title given by the Greeks to the Egyptian god Thoth or Tehuti, a lord of wisdom and learning.”24
At the core of Hermeticism are three core beliefs. The first is that that the physical universe evolved from chaos. The second is that god created man as co-divine an at-one with nature. The third is that the intercourse of man with nature results in the merger of nature with the divine.
Hermeticism, like the Greek, Egyptian, and Babylonian mysteries, teaches that nature evolved out of chaos. Out of light, darkness appears. This darkness turns into moisture and continues its intelligently guided evolution
“E’en with these words His aspect changed, 2 and straightway, in the twinkling of an eye, all things were opened to me, and I see a Vision limitless, all things turned into Light,—sweet, joyous [Light]. And I became transported as I gazed. But in a little while Darkness came settling down on part [of it], awesome and gloomy, coiling in sinuous folds, 3so that methought it like unto a snake. And then the Darkness changed into some sort of a Moist Nature, tossed about beyond all power of words, belching out smoke....
“[Thereon] out of the Light . . . a Holy Word (Logos) 2 descended on that Nature. And upwards to the height from the Moist Nature leaped forth pure Fire; light was it, swift and active too. The Air, too, being light, followed after the Fire; from out the Earth-and-Water rising up to Fire so that it seemed to hang there from. But Earth-and-Water stayed so mingled each with other, that Earth from Water no one could discern. Yet were they moved to hear by reason of the Spirit-Word (Logos) pervading them…
“Straightway from out the downward elements God’s Reason (Logos) 6 leaped up to Nature’s pure formation, and was at-oned with the Formative Mind; for it was co-essential with it. And Nature’s downward elements were thus left reason-less, so as to be pure matter.
“Then the Formative Mind ([at-oned] with Reason), he who surrounds the spheres and spins them with his whirl, set turning his formations, and let them turn from a beginning boundless unto an endless end. For that the circulation of these [spheres] begins where it doth end, as Mind doth will.
“And from the downward elements Nature brought forth lives reason-less; for He did not extend the Reason (Logos) [to them]. The Air brought forth things winged; the Water things that swim, and Earth-and-Water one from another parted, as Mind willed. And from her bosom Earth produced what lives she had, four-footed things and reptiles, beasts wild and tame.”25
In Hermeticism, Man is the focus of the divine principle at work in the evolution of the universe. The following passage illustrates that Hermeticism teaches that God created man so-divine.
“But All-Father Mind, being Life and Light, did bring forth Man co-equal to Himself, with whom He fell in love, as being His own child; for he was beautiful beyond compare, the Image of his Sire. In very truth, God fell in love with His own Form and on him did bestow all of His own formations. And when he gazed upon what the Enformer had created in the Father, [Man] too wished to enform; and [so] assent was given him by the Father. Changing his state to the formative sphere, in that he was to have his whole authority, he, gazed upon his Brother’s creatures. They fell in love with him, and gave him each a share of his own ordering.
“... So he who hath the whole authority o’er [all] the mortals in the cosmos and o’er its lives irrational, bent his face downwards through the Harmony, breaking right through its strength, and showed to downward Nature God’s fair Form.
“And when she saw that Form of beauty which can never satiate, and him who [now] possessed within himself each single energy of [all seven] Rulers as well as God’s [own] Form, she smiled with love; for ’twas as though she’d seen the image of Man’s fairest form upon her Water, his shadow on her Earth.
“He in his turn beholding the form like to himself, existing in her, in her Water, loved it and willed to live in it; and with the will came act, and [so] he vivified the form devoid of reason.
“And Nature took the object of her love and wound herself completely round him, and they were intermingled, for they were lovers.”26
According to this passage, god bestowed upon man all of his categories (In platonic discourse, they are called forms), including deity. Man is picture as bringing the categories of god into nature and becoming lovers with nature.27
When Hermeticists say that man is the focus of the divine principle, they do not mean the entire human race, but certain enlightened individuals. These individuals become enlightened and wield power over the future evolution of the universe. Hermeticism teaches that the divine humankind works to guide the evolution of nature into godhood
“The Hermetic Teachings regarding the process of Evolution are that, THE ALL, having meditated upon the beginning of the Creation–having thus established the material foundations of the Universe–having thought it into existence–then gradually awakens or rouses from its Meditation and in so doing starts into manifestation the process of Evolution, on the material, mental and spiritual planes, successively and in order. Thus the upward movement begins–and all begins to move Spiritward. Matter becomes less gross; the Units spring into being; the combinations begin to form; Life appears and manifests in higher and higher forms; and Mind becomes more and more in evidence–the vibrations constantly becoming higher.
“In short, the entire process of Evolution, in all of its phases, begins, and proceeds according to the established Laws of the “Indrawing” process. All of this occupies æons upon æons of Man's time, each æon containing countless millions of years, but yet the Illumined inform us that the entire creation, including Involution and Evolution, of an Universe, is but “as the twinkle of the eye” to THE ALL. At the end of countless cycles of æons of time, THE ALL withdraws its Attention–its Contemplation and Meditation–of the Universe, for the Great Work is finished–and All is withdrawn into THE ALL from which it emerged. But Mystery of Mysteries–the Spirit of each soul is not annihilated, but is infinitely expanded–the Created and the Creator are merged.”28
Hermeticism promises gnosis, oneness with god, but not to all. The deification of mankind is only for certain people.
“Reason (Logos) indeed, O Tat, among all men hath He distributed, but Mind not yet; not that He grudgeth any, for grudging cometh not from Him, 3 but hath its place below, within the souls of men who have no Mind.
“Tat. Why then did God, O father, not on all bestow a share of Mind?
“Her. He willed, my son, to have it set up in the midst for souls, just as it were a prize.”29
Hermeticism teaches that there is an “enlightened elite” destined to rule the world and lead the world back to the godhead. Later Hegel and other thinkers would use this ideology to promote worship of the state and set up the New World Order. They would fulfill the admonition to “in a band, go to the Father home; of their own selves they make surrender of themselves to Powers, and [thus] becoming Powers they are in God. This the good end for those who have gained Gnosis—to be made one with God. Why shouldst thou then delay? Must it not be, since thou hast all received, that thou shouldst to the worthy point the way, in order that through thee the race of mortal kind may by [thy] God be saved?”30 From a Biblical perspective, however, this is the mother of all harlots and abominations of the earth.
12 Full text of "The Cappadocian Cuneiform Tablets"
[Accessed January 02, 2013].
13 Anatolian Religion, Prehistoric Periods
14 The First Towns: Seedbeds Of Civilization, The Origins Of Civilizations, History World International
15 Empire Builders, Richard Baldwin, Gulf Coast State College,
16 Egyptian Myth and Legend, Donald Mackenzie, page 35,
Retrieved from
17 Artabazus,
19 Etemenanki is likely the Tower of Babel. Alexander sought to rebuild the tower of Babel.
See footnote # 9
20 Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans, by Franz Cumont, Lecture 2 [1912],
21 The Seleucid Empire (Syria),
22 Ptolemy I Soter, last paragraph,
23 Berenice IV,
24 Hermes Trismegistus
25 Corpus Hermeticum 1, Poemandres, The Shepherd of Men, Pages 4-5,7-8,
Retrieved from
26 ibid, Pages 9-10,
Retrieved from
27 This is possibly a reference to heiros gamos. See footnote #6
28 Kybalion, chapter 7, page 28,
Retrieved from
29 Corpus Hermeticum 4, The Cup or Monad of Hermes to Tat,
Retrieved from
30 Corpus Hermeticum 1, Poemandres, The Shepherd of Men, Pages 16-17,
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