The result of the infiltration of occultist into the emerging middle and academic classes during the Renaissance was that there would be a resurgence of ancient occult religion – the religion and politics of Mystery Babylon. This process was slowed greatly by the counter-acting force of the Protestant Reformation but sped up as the Reformation lost steam.
From Plethon to Hegel
When Plethon was lecturing I Florence, Italy, he re-established the Platonic Academy. While the Academy lasted very briefly, ending in 1492, it trained some very renowned intellectuals in the ways of Mystery Babylon. One of them was considered the leading intellectual of the Italian Renaissance, Marcilio Ficino. Ficino considered himself a true “a Platonist, but a Platonist in a very specific mold: as part of a long tradition of which Plato was a key part but which needed interpreters to keep it going. This “ancient theology” included figures who, divinely inspired, advanced true philosophy. One of the key figures in this sequence was the ancient sage Hermes ‘Trismegistus’”42 Ficino adhered to Neo-Platonism and Hermeticism, two philosophies that emerged when Greece encountered Mystery Babylon during her occupation of lands once controlled by Babylon. Ficino had numerous students, the most important of which was Giovanni Pico della Mirandola.43 These two trained and influenced future generations of occultists trained in the ways of Mystery Babylon. The occult mysteries of Mystery Babylon, specifically Hermeticism, proliferated throughout European cultural and intellectual life..
Ficino and Mirandola trained two students in particular who would author two occult lineages: Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim, and Johannes Manardus. Manardus would start a chain of influence that would influence G.W.F. Hegel 300 years later and Agrippa would start a chain of influence that would influence Erasmus Darwin 250 years later. Hegel and Darwin represent two interrelated streams of Mystery Babylon cosmology. Darwin represents the idea of an evolutionary god with natural evolution being god and Hegel represent the idea that evolution leads to the emergence of a state that is god on earth.
From Manardus to Hegel
Johannes Manardus was friend and physician of Mirandola44. Manardus was also a friend of Paracelsus45, Paracelsus relationship with Manardus exposed him to the teachings of Mirandola and others. 46 Paracelsus was a key influence on Jakob Bohme a century later. 47
Bohme influenced Georg W.F. Hegel so much that Hegel the first German philosopher. 48 There is a threefold significance to Hegel’s contribution to the history of Mystery Babylon. The first is that he is indeed a student of the Hermetic occult tradition. The second is that he had links to the emerging mainstream rationalistic, evolutionist culture. The third is that, following Hegel were several conspiracies with links to the current New World Order.
Hegel was a student of Hermeticism. Occult beliefs, and particularly Hermeticism, were rife in Swabia, a region in southern Germany. Glenn Magee writes that not only was Hermetic and occult literature was plentiful in Swabia, but Hegel was exposed to a number of Hermetic and occultic thinkers49. Hegel’s writing reflects Hermetic thought. Hegel was the sixth generation in an unbroken link of hermetic, occult influence.
Hegel taught a concept of god that was evolving. He often referred to it as the world-spirit. In Hegel’s view, this world-spirit separated from the infinite god and became instantiated in history. This world-spirit is also referred to as the march of god on earth. This world spirit manifests or instantiates itself in the history of the state. Hegel saw history as the evolution of the world-spirit into a perfect form, the “rational state”, where the state is god on earth.
1. This world-spirit begins as unconscious reason in the evolution of nature and evolves consciousness in human history. 50
2. Hegel saw the state as a conscious rationality that had divine nature as god on earth. 51
3. This evolved world-spirit, the divine state, would re-unite with the infinite, completing god’s evolution. 52
4. God evolved in his march through history through means of world-historical nations and world-historical individuals (Neitchean supermen were based on this) which are the focus of divine activity. 53
5. The individual person has real existence only in relation to the state and by virtue of the will of the state. 54
From Agrippa to Darwin
Agrippa was considered one of the leading occultist in the sixteenth century.His book De occulta philosophia libri tres / Three Books of Occult Philosophy is considered “the most comprehensive and most widely known book on magic and all occult arts” 55 Having been interested in the occult for years, he went to Italy where he could learn from the masters of the occult. From 1511 to 1518, he immersed himself in the culture of the Italian renaissance in general,and in particular, Ficino and Pico Mirandola56 “Ficino and Pico were Agrippa's source for philosophical texts that formed the theoretical basis for his conception of magic, the works of Plato, the Alexandrian Neoplatonists (especially Plotinus), and the Hermetic texts, all of which Ficino had translated into Latin. From the Florentines, he took the concept of a prisca theologia, the body of books by ancient sages who were believed to antedate even the Greek philosophers and to record divine revelations that paralleled God's revelation to the Hebrews in the Bible. These sages included Zoroaster and the Oracula Chaldaica (Chaldean Oracles), supposedly representing the primordial wisdom of the Persians and Babylonians;” 57
Agrippa was a major influence on John Dee58, who heavily influenced the Rosicrucian movement59. The Rosicrucians influenced the views of Erasmus Darwin.”When the famous physician and botanist Erasmus Darwin(Charles Darwin’s grandfather) was writing his poetic and scientific commentary The Botanic Garden(1792), he wrote in his introduction of how he had divided up his material in a manner he called ‘Rosicrucian’…”60 Erasmus was one of the first proponents of modern evolutionary theory. In 1794, Erasmus Darwin published Zoonomia, or, The Laws of Organic Life. 61 Erasmus, along with Charles Darwin’s father and brother, is listed by the British Columbia Grand Lodge as Freemasons62.
From Hegel and Darwin to the New World Order
Hegel and Darwin form two branches of the New World Order. Darwin represents naturalistic religion that posits nature and evolution as the ultimate reality. Hegel represents the faction that posits that evolutionary or dialectic processes results in the emergence of a state that is god on earth. From these two headstreams comes every major component on the modern New World Order.
Hegel’s dialectic view of historical evolution also strongly influenced Karl Marx, who decided to reinterpret it along materialistic lines rather than the spiritual lines that Hegel did. This reinterpretation is called dialectical materialism63 Marx believed that Capitalism (Bourgeoisie) would be opposed by a workers revolution (the Proletariat) that would produce a classless society (Communism) as the synthesis.
Marx’s philosophy, called Marxism would begat numerous interpretations. There are four major interpretations that have resulted in globally significant cultural and political movements: These are Bolshevism, Democratic Socialism, Neo-conservatism, and Freudo-Marxism.
Bolshevism is more commonly called Communism.64 The Bolsheviks were the dominant factions in the Russian Revolution that occurred in October 1917. They followed Marx literally, engaging in violent revolution to overthrow Capitalist governments and setting up state controlled economic systems. Bolsheviks preach that the dialectic of history always occurs via violent revolution.
Democratic Socialism emerged because of problems that quickly manifested themselves as revolutionaries attempted to implement Bolshevism. The first problem was that advanced Capitalist societies failed to produce the workers revolution that Marx predicted. This was because, as Capitalism matured, it created opportunities for a skilled labor class who had reasons to continue to invest in the Capitalist system. These laborers had much to lose from revolution. The second problem is that workers revolutions require a bureaucratic class to administer the new government. This inevitably results in the creation of a new bourgeoisie/ upper class. The result is state capitalism rather than communism.
In the early 20’s some Marxists began to think that the Marxist dialectic is more effectively administered by manipulating democratic institutions than by violently disrupting society. In what is called the Second and a Half International, these Marxists broke away from their more violent brothers.65 According to Radek, out of this development emerged the Democratic Socialist parties of Western Europe. In addition to controlling European politics, Democratic Socialism is increasingly becoming the dominant political narrative in the Democratic Party in the United States.
It is important to note that Marxists are only interested in using Democracy as a tool; the end-goal is the establishment of statist Socialism as the next stage of the dialectic process. Once Democratic Socialists succeed in establishing socialism, they sabotage democratic procedures to render a reversal impossible. They call the term democratic centralism66. The concept of democratic centralism was coined by Lenin. It describes a process, by which democratic procedure is used until the desired policy is established, then power is centralized and all dissent from the party line is crushed. Whereas Communists did this in a one party system, Democratic Socialists will do this in a multi-party system and use various techniques of repressive tolerance to marginalize undesirable political positions. 67
There are several major streams that emerge from Erasmus Darwin. His grandson, Charles Darwin, produced a materialistic interpretation of evolution, and Erasmus Rosicrucian-influenced purpose-driven evolution continued to linger.
His grandson Charles Darwin is often credited with evolution, but contributed little new information as far as science is concerned. Whereas Erasmus saw evolution as a purposeful process, Charles saw it as a random process. Charles Darwin’s version of evolution has been the single greatest attack upon the Christian faith in the past 150 years, which was the purpose of formulating the materialistic version of evolution.
There remained, however, various interpretations of intelligently guided evolution by Darwin’s Rosicrucian influence. The Erasmus-Rosicrucian interpretation of evolution influenced Henri Bergson, through his contact with his brother-in-law Samuel Mathers, who was a member of the Societas Rosicrucianas and founder of the Golden Dawn. 68, 69, 70
Bergson developed an evolutionary theory of consciousness71 that was influential in the development of psychology. He was a member of the British Psychical Association (Now just Psychical Association) and its President in 191372. The Psychical Association studies paranormal psychology, which is the integration of the occult in psychology
“ Psychical research and parapsychology are concerned with the scientific investigation of the ways that organisms communicate and interact with each other and with the environment, that appear to be inexplicable within current scientific models. Stories of the paranormal (apparitions, prophetic dreams and visions, inexplicable awareness of events faraway, divination, miraculous cures etc) have been with us since antiquity, but it was only in the 19th century that the subject began to be studied in a systematic and scientific way.”73
Carl Jung was an occultist74 who believed there was a “collective unconscious” that lived through history and instantiated itself through individual consciousness. The collective unconscious is afforded divine nature, as there are similarities between Jung’s theory of the collective unconscious and the “march of god through history” concept of Hegel.
”Jung stated that the religious experience must be linked with the experience of the archetypes of the collective unconscious. Thus, God himself is lived like a psychic experience of the path that leads one to the realization of his/her psychic wholeness.” 75
This idea of evolving and emerging consciousness would figure prominently later in the New Age Movement which would mix Western esoteric idea from Mystery Babylon with eastern religion.76
Bergson also influenced Jesuit and scientist Teilhard de Chardin, who championed a version of intelligently guided evolution77 and influenced the development of “Liberation Theology.” 78
Sigmund Freud, another occultist79, is best known for his sexual ideology which defines three basic terms: id, super-ego, and ego. The id was called the pleasure principle and represented unbridled instincts such as hunger and the sex drive. The id, in Freud’s thought, was wild instincts that functioned on an animal level. The super-ego represented the conscience, morality of man and knowledge of social norms. Between the super-ego and the id was the rational ego or the reality principle.80
Freud’s ideas would later be mixed with Marxism to form the basis of the unholy trinity of Freudo-Marxism or Radical Leftism: abortion rights, radical feminism, and homosexual fascism. The basic premise of Freudo-Marxism, promoted by Herbert Marcuse in his book, Eros and Civilization(1955)81 is that Freud’s analysis of id, super-ego, and ego are actually a dialectic process where sexuality was the primary driving force. Raw sexual desire that existed in the state of nature was opposed by the rise of civilization which repressed sexual desires. According to Marcuse, the repression of sexual instinct by civilization led to a destructive dialectic as “the very progress of civilization leads to the release of increasingly destructive forces” 82 Marcuse believed that the result of this dialectic struggle was that a new stage would be reached where you could have both civilization and unbridled sexual impulses, a society in which the traditional family was weakened.
“But, within the system of unified and intensified controls, decisive changes are taking place. They affect the structure of the superego and the content and manifestation of guilt feeling. Moreover, they tend toward a state in which the completely alienated world, expending its full power, seems to prepare the stuff and material for a new reality principle. The superego is loosened from its origin, and the traumatic experience of the father is superseded by more exogenous images. As the family becomes less decisive in directing the adjustment of the individual to society, the father-son conflict no longer remains the model -conflict.”83
The idea that sexual anarchy and civilization merge together in synthesis leads to cultural transformation84. There are three major cultural implications. It leads to a radical feminism, homosexual activism, and pro-abortion politics.
Radical Feminists apply Marcuse analysis to argue that sexual repression has resulted in society’s repression of women and that the answer is to eliminate differences between men and women and abolish traditional roles for men and women.
Homosexualists apply Marcuse analysis to argue that, if sexuality is the primary driving force behind dialectical historical processes, then sexual orientation is the master status or the primary definition of human significance. They would also argue that society has repressed them and that Marcuse’s dialectic means that any opposition to homosexuality is a personal attack on homosexuals; the homosexualist perspective is that homosexuality is not merely an attribute but THE core defining attribute of homosexuals. Attacks on homosexuality are, by definition, attacks on homosexuals.
Pro-abortionists apply Marcuse analysis to argue for the necessity of legal abortion. They argue that reproductive freedom is at the heart of both women’s liberation and the sexual revolution. They then argue that reproductive freedom is impossible without unlimited access to legal abortions. While pro-abortionist initially argue for abortion rights as a negative right85, then proceed to promote it as a positive right.86
The Re-emergence of Mother Goddess Worship
Freudo-Marxism is in the process of merging with Hermetic and New Age Occultism. There is a resurgence of worship of the mother goddess, particularly within feminist circles. Two of the leading players within the feminist movement have been influenced by the mother goddess worship of Mystery Babylon. Mary Daly, one of the pioneers of the feminist movement, was a Jesuit theologian who “Rejecting traditional conceptions of a transcendent (and often male) God, Daly promoted a sense of the Absolute as a “Be-ing” that was not only immanent but actualized through women’s creativity.” 87 This is similar to the views of the Hermetic occultists who promote the evolving god who must instantiate himself through history. Daly’s take on Hermeticism is that she presented female creativity as the dialectic, evolutionary force in history.
Gloria Steinem is also influenced by naturalistic religion. In an interview with Mona Eltahawy on October 13, 2011, Steinem revealed that she embraced Paganism. The following quote begins 16:14 into the program and lasts exactly two minutes.
“However, I have to say, as a Pagan. Pagan just means nature. It just means to me that there's something sacred about every living thing: plants, animals, and so on. I owe that to your country, because I took the trip down the Nile from the more Nubian older parts to Cairo. And since it’s such a profoundly old center of civilization you can see it in the carvings of the temples that at the very, very oldest Nubian parts, god is present in everything, in papyrus and butterflies and men and women, and, ya know, everything. And then you go a little further, it’s a thousand years later and god has been withdrawn from a lot of nature, and the goddess has a son and no daughter, and then it’s another thousand years and a few more miles and the son has become a consort, and finally, ya know, the goddess has the throne on which the pharoah sits, and then you get to mos where there is rarely allowed an image of nature or of women.
“So, as a famous Egyptologist, Henry Breasted, have you read him. He said Monotheism Mono-theism is just imperialism in religion and the withdrawal of god from nature and from females was what allowed it, made it okay to conquer nature and females, and I must say that ever since I took that trip on the Nile, all monotheism has made me cranky. And, you know, when God looks like the ruling class, it's kind of suspicious.”88
Steinem found common cause between Feminism and witchcraft because she saw witchcraft as empowering women, She says the following in a speech given at Salem College in March 1993
“And if we look at history whole we can learn a lot. We can think of Pat Robertson. It may find that we were killing witches because they were healers, because they taught women contraception, because they could perform abortions, because they gave women control of their own bodies. In other words, they were doing a very radical thing in fact, which is seizing control or maintaining control of the means of reproduction. Even sounds radical when you say it that way, right? It may seem a long time ago that they were accused of eating babies and conversing with the devil and all this kind of stuff, but Pat Robertson can tell us today that all feminists really want is to leave their husbands, kill babies and become lesbians…
“…If we dare to live in the present, to live to the fullest, then we may be punished in somewhat the same way. But we can learn from scholars who look at the world whole. We can learn from understanding that witches were indeed healers and freedom fighters and not people to be denigrated on Halloween or any other time. Perhaps we should devote our next Halloween to having a celebration of witches as wise women. This means a very deep change, because it means changing the whole paradigm of masculine and feminine with which children grow up and which is the root of the idea of subject/object, winner/loser, and the whole model on which race and class and all other hierarchies are built.”89
Gerald Gardner, who was a member of a Rosicrucian society, founded Wicca in 1955. The narrative of Wicca is that they descendant of ancient religion that worshipped the mother goddess and respected femininity. This narrative is best summed up by Starhawk Simos.
“This nature-attuned, woman-respecting, peaceful, and egalitarian culture prevailed in what is now Western Europe for thousands of years, Starhawk wrote, until Indo-European invaders swept across the region, introducing warrior gods, weapons designed for killing human beings, and patriarchal civilization. Then came Christianity, which eventually insinuated itself among Europe's ruling elite. Still, the "Old Religion" lived, often in the guise of Christian practices.”90
Carol Christ says the same thing.
“The symbol of Goddess has much to offer women who are struggling to be rid of the "powerful, pervasive, and long-lasting moods and motivations" of devaluation of female power, denigration of the female body, distrust of female will, and denial of the women's bonds and heritage that have been engendered by patriarchal religion. As women struggle to create a new culture in which women's power, bodies, will, and bonds are celebrated, it is natural that the Goddess would reemerge as symbol of the newfound beauty, strength, and power of women.” 91
From the feminist perspective, the symbol of the goddess provides freedom from the evils of patriarchy. The feminist interpretation of historical claims of these feminist Pagans is revisionist history. The worship of powerful females in ancient times did not translate into peace-loving matriarchal societies. Mortal women were mistreated as mere property.92
The material used in modern mother goddess worship was borrowed from Rosicrucians who got their material from the Hermetic occultists during the Italian renaissance. Through Gardner, one stream of Mystery Babylon, Rosicrucianism, is linked with another, Freudo-Marxism. Feminism is the link between these two.
Mother Goddess worship and Environmentalism
Mother goddess worship is connected with naturalistic religion. Nature worship emphasized a harmonious connection and reverence for nature in general and the earth in particular. The mother goddess worship of the feminists exists within a much larger context of Paganism. Paganism, like Hermeticism, believes that the divine instantiates itself in natural events.
“The recognition of the divine in nature is at the heart of Pagan belief. Pagans are deeply aware of the natural world and see the power of the divine in the ongoing cycle of life and death. Most Pagans are eco-friendly, seeking to live in a way that minimises harm to the natural environment.
“Pagans worship the divine in many different forms, through feminine as well as masculine imagery and also as without gender. The most important and widely recognised of these are the God and Goddess (or pantheons of God and Goddesses) whose annual cycle of procreation, giving birth and dying defines the Pagan year. Paganism strongly emphasises equality of the sexes. Women play a prominent role in the modern Pagan movement, and Goddess worship features in most Pagan ceremonies.” 93
Such an emphasis on nature is certainly fueling the current environmentalist movement. Humanity Healing is just one example of earth spirituality being applied to environmentalism.94
The Earth Charter, a key document of the New World Order, echoes this in the following statement which hints that the earth is alive and the source of all we have:
“Humanity is part of a vast evolving universe. Earth, our home, is alive with a unique community of life. The forces of nature make existence a demanding and uncertain adventure, but Earth has provided the conditions essential to life's evolution. The resilience of the community of life and the well-being of humanity depend upon preserving a healthy biosphere with all its ecological systems, a rich variety of plants and animals, fertile soils, pure waters, and clean air. The global environment with its finite resources is a common concern of all peoples. The protection of Earth's vitality, diversity, and beauty is a sacred trust.”95
42 Celenza, Christopher S., "Marsilio Ficino",
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
(Spring 2012 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.),
43 Copenhaver, Brian, "Giovanni Pico della Mirandola",
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2012 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), <>.
44 Outlines of the History of Medicine and the Medical Profession,
Johann Hermann Baas, pages 293-294, General Books LLC 2012
45 Paracelsus: An Introduction to Philosophical Medicine in the Era of the Renaissance,
Walter Pagel, S Karger Pub; 2 Revised edition, 1984, page 10
46 ibid, pages 203,para 3 and pages 284-287
47 Paracelsus (Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, 1493-1541): Essential Theoretical
Andrew Weeks, Brill, 2007, Page 24, Endnote #16
48 The Philosophy of Right, George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel,
49 Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition, Glenn Alexander Magee,
Cornell University Press, 2001, pages 51-78
50 The Philosophy of Right, Georg W.F.Hegel
51 ibid
52 ibid
53 ibid
54 ibid
55 Nauert, Charles, "Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim",
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2011 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), <>.
56 ibid
57 ibid
58 Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition (Frances Yates: Selected Works),
Frances A. Yates, Taylor & Francis US, 1999
59 The Invisible History of the Rosicrucians: The World's Most Mysterious Secret Society,
Tobias Churton, Inner Traditions; Original edition (September 9, 2009), pages 212-225
60 ibid, page 110
61 Encyclopedia of Evolution, Stanley A. Rice, Infobase Publishing, 2009, page 113
62 Erasmus Darwin, Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon,
Retrieved on January 17, 2013 from
63 A Companion to Hegel (edited by Stephen Houlgate, Michael Baur), Ch23,
Andrew Chitty, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011
63 “Dialectical Materialism”, Encyclopedia of Marxism,
Retrieved from
64 “Bolshevik Party”, Encyclopedia of Marxism,
Retrieved from
65 “Foundation of the Two and a Half International”, Karl Radek,
The Communist International, 1922, Nos. 16–17, p. 31–43.
Retrieved from the Marxist Internet Archive
66 “Democratic Centralism”, Encyclopedia of Marxism,
Retrieved from
67 “Repressive Tolerance”, Herbert Marcuse, A Critique of Pure Tolerance,
(Boston: Beacon Press, 1969), pp. 95-137,
Retrieved from
See Ch 12 for more information.
68 “Societas Rosicrucianas” , The New Encyclopedia of the Occult, 2004,
John Michael Greer, Llewellyn Publications, St Paul MN. Page 442-443.
Rosicrucian order whose membership is limited to master masons. This was one of the ways through which Rosicrucian ideas were implemented in Freemasonry.
69 “Samuel Liddel MacGregor Mathers Biography”,
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
Bergson became Mathers brother-in-law when his sister, Mina Bergson married. Mina subsequently changed her name to Moina Mathers.
70 “Biography of Moina Mathers”, The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
Retrieved from
71 Lawlor, Leonard and Moulard, Valentine, "Henri Bergson",
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2012 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), <>
72 “Past Presidents”, Society for Psychical Research ,
Retrieved on Jan 19, 2013 from
73 “Overview of Psychical Research”, Society for Psychical Research ,
Retrieved on Jan 19, 2013 from
74 A Science for the Soul: Occultism and the Genesis of the German Modern,
Corinna Treitel, Johns Hopkins University Press, page 49
75 Concept of Collective Unconscious at Jung, Carl Jung Resources, 2012,
Retrieved from
76 Handbook of New Age, Daren Kemp, and James R. Lewis,
Brill, 2007, pages 40-49,
77 Teilhard De Chardin: Theology, Humanity And Cosmos,
David Grumett, Peeters Publishers, 2005, chapter 7: Creative Evolution.
78 ibid, page 247
79 A Science for the Soul: Occultism and the Genesis of the German Modern,
Corinna Treitel, Johns Hopkins University Press, page 49
80 McLeod, S. A. (2008). Id Ego Superego.
Retrieved from
81 Eros and Civilization, Herbert Marcuse,(1955), chapters 3-5
82 Eros and Civilization, Herbert Marcuse,(1955), p 54
83 Eros and Civilization, Herbert Marcuse,(1955), p 95
84 Eros and Civilization, Herbert Marcuse,(1955), pgs 199-200
85 Negative Rights are rights that restrain what others than do; they negate
the scope of the freedom of others to make room for a particular individual. A well constructed system of negative rights allows for a system of ordered every individual to have both substantial freedom and the blessing of living socially in a civilized society.
86 Positive Rights involve the right to require others to assist the rights-holder
in the exercise of said right. In the case of abortion, Obama’s HHS mandate seek to impose so-called abortion rights (the right to murder) as a positive right by trying to force people to finance it against their conscience. Positive rights can be greatly abused as a scheme to destroy genuine liberty.
87 Mary Daly. 2013. Encyclopædia Britannica Online.
Retrieved 20 January, 2013, from <>
88 “Mona Eltahawy & Gloria Steinem”, The Hammer Museum, 16:14-18:14,
Retrieved from Hammer Musuem’s Youtube channel on Jan 20, 2013
Speech At Salem State College - March 1993,
Retrieved on Jan 20, 2013 from
90 The Scholars and the Goddess, Charlotte Allen, The Atlantic,
Retrieved on Jan 20, 2013 from
91 “Why Women Need the Goddess”, Carol P. Christ, Ariadne Institute, last paragraph,
Retrieved on Jan 20, 2013 from
92 The Wiccan Myth (book review), Donna Steichen
Retrieved from
93 “Pagan Beliefs”, British Broadcasting Corporation, Religions – Paganism, Last updated 2002-10-02,
Retrieved Jan 20, 2013 from
94 “Gaia’s Prayer”, Humanity Healing Network,
Retrieved on Jan 20, 2013 from
95 “The Earth Charter”, Earth Charter Commission, 1994-2000
Retrieved from
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